Brooks bass guitars
Brooks bass guitars are built by hand. By me. One at a time. No factory production.
The design of the EB-PL is a combination of a classic from the fifties; the Les Paul Double Cut shaped EB-0, plus another classic, the EB-PL combines the EB-0 with the 50's P. And the EB-RBL combines the EB-0 with a Rick (pickup). The EB-PL Noir even combines the EB-0, 50's P with the Rick Noir series.
The EB-TB combines the EB-0 with all the characteristics of a sixties Thunderbird.
The Telebird combines the characteristics of a 51 Fender Precision Bass and a Gibson Thunderbird. It is my take on the Fenderbird of John Entwistle fame.
The Grabbird combines a 1964 Gibson Thunderbird with a 1973 Gibson Grabber.
The Thundervee combines a 1964 Thunderbird with a Flying V
If you have a special bass in mind that you would like me to build, just send me an email. Maybe we can work it out ;-)
The design of the EB-PL is a combination of a classic from the fifties; the Les Paul Double Cut shaped EB-0, plus another classic, the EB-PL combines the EB-0 with the 50's P. And the EB-RBL combines the EB-0 with a Rick (pickup). The EB-PL Noir even combines the EB-0, 50's P with the Rick Noir series.
The EB-TB combines the EB-0 with all the characteristics of a sixties Thunderbird.
The Telebird combines the characteristics of a 51 Fender Precision Bass and a Gibson Thunderbird. It is my take on the Fenderbird of John Entwistle fame.
The Grabbird combines a 1964 Gibson Thunderbird with a 1973 Gibson Grabber.
The Thundervee combines a 1964 Thunderbird with a Flying V
If you have a special bass in mind that you would like me to build, just send me an email. Maybe we can work it out ;-)
"Black is beautiful, but it sounds great too! 100% balanced sound in every position. With a nice growl to it, that makes it cut through. This bass is a love baby from Rickenbacker and Fender, trapped in a vintage Gibson body. A piece of art."
Ivo Severijns (ex- Herman Brood & his Wild Romance, ex -Kane, Waylon)
"I absolutely love it when old school meets new school! This bass has the looks and feel of a classic Gibson with the sound of a Telecaster bass on acid. It's simple yet very diverse. From a warm vintage sound to a killer modern rock growl... This monster has it all!"
Rob van der Loo (ex-Delain, Epica, MaYaN)
"Man merkt dem Brooks EB-PL Noir an, mit wie viel Liebe er entwickelt und gebaut wurde. Kein Industrieprodukt, sondern reines Handwerk mit klarer Referenz an einen Gibson-Bass, den Gibson so nie gebaut hat, ergänzt mit kleinen Details wie der einem Rickenbacker-Sondermodell nachempfundenen Farbgebung, und größeren Details wie dem fenderigen Pickup von Seymour Duncan in der getunten Quarter-Pounder-Version. Auch der wuchtig-holzige
Ton ist weder Gibson noch Fender, sondern ein ganz eigener Hybrid mit Anteilen von beiden – und am Ende ein echter Brooks. Das Gewicht ist hoch, aber die sich einstellende Balance macht den Bass für mich auch länger trag- und spielbar. Für alle Fans gibsonesker Bässe mit spielerisch kombinierten Features lohnt sich der Blick auf die Webseite,
zumal der Preis absolutfair ist!"
Gitarre&Bass, May 2024
Ton ist weder Gibson noch Fender, sondern ein ganz eigener Hybrid mit Anteilen von beiden – und am Ende ein echter Brooks. Das Gewicht ist hoch, aber die sich einstellende Balance macht den Bass für mich auch länger trag- und spielbar. Für alle Fans gibsonesker Bässe mit spielerisch kombinierten Features lohnt sich der Blick auf die Webseite,
zumal der Preis absolutfair ist!"
Gitarre&Bass, May 2024
Several Brooks bass guitars have been awarded Bass of the Week @ No Treble
The Brooks Telebird was no 5 in the Best of 2019 Top 10 reader favorite bass of the week
The Brooks Grabbird was no5 in the Best of 2020 Top 10 reader favorite bass of the week
The Brooks Telebird was no 5 in the Best of 2019 Top 10 reader favorite bass of the week
The Brooks Grabbird was no5 in the Best of 2020 Top 10 reader favorite bass of the week